
Site Assessment & Structure Planning

In early 2005 the Fitzwalter Group (now part of the WSP Group) managed a series of site investigations and assessments to characterise the site and determine the opportunities and constraints to redevelopment.  The site assessments including a suite of studies into heritage and archaeology, flora and fauna, topography and slope, land capability, landscape and visual character, site contamination, access and movement, and engineering services.

The studies where used to prepare high level structural land use plans outlining potential redevelopment scenarios for the site containing a mixture of industrial, residential, tertiary and public facility uses.


Urban Land Use Strategy

LMCC engaged the services of Dickson Rothschild and URS to prepare an urban land use strategy for the Glendale SRA land (incorporating the Glendale sub-regional centre) and the PCCS site and southern slopes of Munibung Hill (known as the Hawkins Land).  The study utilised much of the site assessment material prepared above.

The main objective of the study was to prepare a document to guide the future land uses, planning and development for the Boolaroo, Argenton, and Glendale locality adjacent to and including the PCCS site.  The broad strategy is to reflect the sustainability principles that underpin the LMCC`s Lifestyle 20/20 Strategy.

The proposed strategy is to ensure that:

·         Future development and management of lands within the study area reflects the social, economic and environmental values of the lands; and

·         Future land uses are compatible with and integrate with the adjoining urban areas of Boolaroo, Argenton, Glendale and Cardiff.

The draft land use strategy incorporating the PCCS site was completed by LMCC in May 2005.  Council subsequently adopted a Principles Diagram outlining the preferred land uses for the site.


 Detailed Site Master Plan

The above site analysis identifying the physical and environmental constraints to development led to the formation of a master plan for the site that illustrates the future urban footprint including land uses for the site, location of sub-arterial and collector roads, open spaces, services and infrastructure.


Development Applications for Subdivision

Proposals were lodged with LMCC in mid-January 2005 to change the land use and subdivide land into superlots generally on the edge of the main smelter site.  The proposals included:

1.       A western extension of the Cardiff Industrial Estate and Munibung Road, Cardiff with the subdivision of approximately 18 hectares of the PCCS site for light industrial uses;

2.       A northern extension of Boolaroo with the rezoning of a triangular parcel of land between T.C. Frith Avenue and Main Road, Boolaroo for residential and open space uses; and

3.       An eastern extension of Boolaroo with the rezoning of land east of First, Second and Third Streets, Boolaroo to allow residential and open space uses.

Two further applications were lodged in mid 2006 being:

4.       A further extension of the Cardiff Industrial Estate to the south along the main Sydney to Newcastle railway line; and

5.       A further extension of Boolaroo to the north east with the rezoning and subdivision of land for residential uses.

LMCC has assessed the proposals in accordance with the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act and LMCC`s public notification policy, and provided the local community with a formal opportunity to view and comment on the proposals during the exhibition period.

An application for the development of six super lots was submitted to LMCC in March 2011. A revised Development Application was lodged with LMCC in November 2011 and approved in November 2012. This allows the construction to commence on key infrastructure, namely, the major roundabout and the southern portion of the new Munibung Road. This application is essentially an infrastructure master plan mapping out the key roads and drainage systems through the site together with identifying how the individual superlots can be provided with essential serivces including water, sewer and power.  These infrastructure works are now complete.

Further subdivision applications for re subdivision of the superlots will be prepared and lodged as the site redevelopment process continues.

The Development Approval for the creation of 22 industrial lots of approximately 4,000m2 was granted by Council. Construction of the subdivision was completed in February 2011. This area is the first site developed for industrial uses and is known as 'Cardiff Central'. In 2012 LMCC approved an application for two of the 22 lots to be subdivided into three smaller lots.

A development application for alterations and additions to the Old Laboratory building for use as a site office was lodged in December 2009 and approved by LMCC in March 2010.  The former site office is required to be removed as part of the remediation activities, and as the Old Laboratory building is required to be retained for heritage purposes, it is to be utilised for the site office for the remainder of the remediation works.  A Conservation Management Plan was also submitted with this application. Refurbishment of this building was completed in 2012.

Site Rezoning

Following the completion of the site analysis and assessment studies by Fitzwalter, the Council resolved to prepare a draft LEP for part of the Site (approximately 15.8 hectares) and undertook the preparation of a Local Environment Study (LES) to inform the necessary amendments to the LMCC Local Environmental Plan 2004 (LMCC LEP 2004).

In March 2008 Council resolved to place Draft Amendment No.21 on public exhibition for part of the site to allow for a mixture of employment, residential and open space uses.  Gazettal of Amendment No. 21 occurred in September 2010.

Also in March 2008 Council resolved to commence the rezoning process for the remainder of the PCCS site (and the Incitec site).  WSP Fitzwalter lodged a Planning Report/LES (LES-2) with Council for this area.  Exhibition of proposed zonings (draft Amendment No. 57) closed early in April 2011 and gazettal occured in December 2011.

Following the first stage rezoning (Amendment No. 21), an Area Plan was lodged with LMCC. The Area Plan incorporated a large roundabout which provides continued Main Road access into Boolaroo as well as long term access to the site. The Area Plan takes development planning to the next stage from the areas zoned for particular uses to identify specific development controls that will be applicable to each particular zone. these controls will provide a development guideline for future subdivision applications. This Area Plan was adopted on 23 July 2012 and is included in Part 12 of Council's Draft Development Control Plan 2012 (dated September 2012).  All necessary infrastructure works were completed in late 2015.

As more detailed development planning is progressed, the site's Area Plan will be modified and enhanced.

A Rezoning/LEP amendment has also been completed to support the rezoning of the portion of the Incitec site that was designated for their containment cell.



A marketing and sales program for the subdivision known as 'Cardiff Central' is now complete. For more information on the status of sales at Cardiff Central click here.

A marketing and expression of interest campaign to sell the Tripad site was concluded when the Tripad site was successfully sold to the Stevens Group in October 2014.

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